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10 ways to Celebrate the 100th Day of School

One of my favorite things about homeschooling has always been finding ways to incorporate celebrations into learning.  Homeschooled or conventional schooled, what kids don’t like to take a break from schedules and lessons to do something fun?  None.  None is the answer to that question.

So now that break is over and school is in full swing again, it’s right about now that everyone is looking for a distraction.  

Depending on when you started your school year, the 100th day of school usually falls somewhere in the month of February.  It may seem like a silly thing to celebrate, but sometimes silly is just what’s needed.  Possibly an activity more typically geared toward younger kids, I don’t know of one teenager that would pass up the chance to be goofy (and skip school), at least in the confines of their own home where no one else can see them of course.

Check out the list below for some ideas to break up those post-holiday blues!

Sit down and make a list of 100 things you can do for others.  Whether it is donating your time or skills to help with community projects, volunteering at an animal shelter, visiting a nursing home, making dinner or doing laundry without being asked, or helping a sibling tie their shoe, it all counts.  As a bonus, see how many acts of kindness you can do anonymously.

Make it your goal to do 100 reps; sit-ups, push-ups, burpees, jumping jacks.  Keep count throughout the day or, even better, try to do them all at once!

How many things in your house can you find that have 100 pieces?  I can think of five possibilities right now.

Make it a memorable day like the first or last day of school.  Set up a photo shoot or just make a sign to mark the occasion. 

See if you can make a list of 100 rhyming words.  It may be easier said than done!  And just to make it tougher for older kids, the words can’t be less than four letters long.

Wash the dishes.  Fold the laundry.  Unload groceries from the car (and put them in the kitchen).  What tasks can you complete in 100 seconds or less?

You might think being 30 is ANCIENT, but time flies!  Create a bucket list of things to do before you’re 100 years old or a list of 100 things you want to do in your life.

What’s the one thing you’d do with $100?  How about the craziest thing?  Or the most thoughtful thing?

You may love ice cream, but could you eat 100 scoops in one sitting?  Really?  Could you?  What 100 (realistically) things could you eat at one time?  Without puking 🤢.

Find an old shirt or scarf or hat and decorate it with 100 of the same thing.  Googley eyes, handprints, dragons, flying pigs; the sky’s the limit.

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